What is the Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme
The Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme is a project to support the use of reusable nappies among families who could not otherwise have considered trying them owing to the upfront costs in buying the nappies! A limited number of families will be provided with a voucher number to be used to buy a cloth nappy starter kit worth €100 from one of our partner retailers. The voucher can be used to purchase the Cloth Nappy Starter Kit provided by each supplier.

The vouchers available are limited to a set number of vouchers per local authority taking part in the scheme each year.
The scheme was established by VOICE under funding provided by the Environmental Protection Agency. Ongoing funding for the scheme is provided by participating local authorities.
Who is eligible
To be eligible for the scheme you must:
- Be a permanent resident of a participating local authority (check application form below for participating local authorities).
- Be pregnant or have a child under the age of 12 months living with you for whom the purchased reusable nappies will be used, and be new to cloth nappies.

How do I apply?
Applying is simple! If you meet the basic eligibility in terms of locality and your baby's age, and require the financial support of the scheme to try cloth nappies, just fill out the application form below and we will email you with your voucher number. Go to the website of your chosen retailer, select the Cloth Nappy Starter Kit* and input your voucher number at the checkout. The retailer will then post the Cloth Nappy Starter Kit to you!
Please note vouchers are very limited and not guaranteed to all applicants.
*Alternatively use the voucher towards other reusable nappies sold on their website
ApplyWhat happens after I receive my nappy starter kit
As part of the pilot programme participants are required to take part in two follow-up surveys, this is to look at the impact of the scheme in the short and longer term! Several participants will also take part in a 30 minute interview of their experiences, to be held online.