Over the summer we are inviting households across the country, to take part in the National Recycling Bin Survey.


We are looking for the recycling bin champions of Ireland to sign up and contribute to the circular economy in a simple but meaningful way.  

This unique project asks that participants recycle as normal for a period of two weeks and then on the day before collection, spill out their recycling bins and participate in the Recycling Bin Survey.

The survey is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly and will be available online, ensuring easy access for all participants.

The survey will ask about the materials and purposes of recycled items. Most importantly we aim to discover the most common sources of household recycling waste. Is it from supermarkets, or from retail outlets, or is it from online shopping?

You tell us! With this data VOICE Ireland will have a clearer view of which industries are holding us back from achieving a circular economy.

Why does our waste matter?

In Ireland, it’s clear that we have a waste problem. In fact, we produce more packaging waste per capita than any other EU country.

In 2020, we produced 3.6 million tons of municipal waste, 57% of which came from household waste1. Now fair enough, this figure will be skewed due to the Covid-19 pandemic as we were all spending much more time at home. But the point is, that households are a huge source of waste in Ireland, and this doesn’t have to be the case!  

Nowadays, plastic and other single-use packaging materials are close to impossible to avoid, even for the most conscientious shoppers. Refill and reuse options are scarcely available, when they are, they are often more expensive.


Previous Sick of Plastic campaigns have concluded that most Irish shoppers are indeed ‘sick’ of the overuse of plastic and single-use materials in our economy. Does this sound like you? If so, let’s do something about it!  

How does this help us achieve a circular economy?

We are conducting the National Recycling Bin Survey not to target the public but to push back against the industries that are clogging our homes and environment with single-use materials.  

Here at VOICE, we are the NGO expert in Ireland on waste reduction and the circular economy. We define the circular economy as a model of consumption where resources are used continuously and consciously to extend the lifecycle of products and materials as long as possible. In practical terms, it means refilling, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and sharing our belongings.  

Sign up for our National Recycling Bin Survey!