Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme
Local Authorities around Ireland are participating in our Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme.
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Threads of Transparency
Threads of Transparency is a national campaign aimed at bringing policy-makers' attention on the post-consumer textile sector.
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Waste Not Want Not
VOICE's new Climate Action Programme against food waste; we are putting communities at the heart of circular economic solutions.
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Sustainable Menstruation
Embark on a journey with the MENSY project—a groundbreaking initiative designed to amplify the impact of partner organisations in the feminist and environmental sectors, focusing on youth engagement.
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Fabric of Change
Fabric of Change is Ireland's first-ever online hub dedicated to sustainable fashion. Launched in 2024 with the support of the Irish Environmental Network (IEN), this platform was created to help consumers understand the impact of their clothing choices on the environment and empower them to make more sustainable decisions.
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Sick of Plastic
Sick of Plastic is a national campaign facilitated by VOICE and Friends of the Earth Ireland. We are working to empower communities to pressure industry and decision makers to take action on single-use plastic.
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National Recycling Bin Survey
The National Recycling Bin Survey is a pioneering project that aims to tackle the issue of packaging waste in Irish households.
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Picker Pals
The Rise of Picker Pals: Impacting 1,359 Classrooms Across Ireland This Year!!
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