Tad Kirakowski, CEO of VOICE

Hey there, VOICE supporters!

We have some incredible news to share that will make you jump for joy. Drumroll, please. Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment (VOICE) has just welcomed a new captain to steer its ship towards a greener future. Give a warm welcome to our brand-new CEO, Tad Kirakowski!

After an intense and competitive search, Tad Kirakowski emerged victorious, capturing the hearts of the Board of VOICE. This seasoned environmental enthusiast is no stranger to our organization. Tad joined the VOICE family back in 2017 through the Recycling Ambassador Programme. Since then, he has fearlessly spearheaded various projects, from community engagement initiatives to waste segregation endeavors. Talk about making waves!

But let's not stop there—Tad's qualifications are just as impressive as his passion for our planet. He holds a degree in Environmental Science and a master's in Environmental Law. Prior to his time at VOICE, Tad accumulated a wealth of experience through research positions in ecology and collaborations with numerous Environmental NGOs in Ireland. He's the real deal!

Now, brace yourselves for Tad's infectious enthusiasm. When asked about his new role, he couldn't contain his excitement;

"I am thrilled to take on this position! We've always described our work here at VOICE as a perfect blend of bottom-up and top-down approaches. We drive change from the grassroots level, while also supporting the implementation of ambitious policies through engaging with communities. It's this mix that lies at the heart of VOICE's success, and it's precisely why I adore working here!"

As most of you know, VOICE has been a prominent environmental organization in Ireland for over 25 years. We currently boast a dream team of eight dedicated individuals who cover policy, research, community engagement, and advocacy projects. But don't let our small size fool you—our team has achieved remarkable growth in the past five years, and Tad is eager to stand behind us, providing unwavering support to fulfill VOICE's noble mission.

Now, let's talk about the big picture. We find ourselves at a crucial juncture in history. The next few years present us with a golden opportunity to transition towards a more circular economy, steering away from the detrimental take-make-waste approach. However, it's essential to remember that our actions must align with the Sustainable Development Goals. In this critical endeavor, we need strong voices to ensure our success.

So, fellow eco-enthusiasts, join us in welcoming Tad Kirakowski as VOICE's new CEO. With his expertise, drive, and a fantastic team of passionate individuals by his side, we can embark on this exciting journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. Let's raise our voices, make a positive impact, and show the world what we're truly capable of achieving together!