After identifying a gap in the Home Economics curriculum, VOICE developed an educational pack to help teachers bring food waste awareness into the classroom through interactive and practical activities. The main objective is to help students understand why it's important to avoid food waste by explaining the environmental and social implications, present skills to easily tackle the problem and to have fun while doing it. 

VOICE trialled the various activities with eight schools over the 2017/18 school year and now we're thrilled to announce the resource is fully available for teachers to independently bring to their classroom. 

We've identified this resource to be beneficial not only for Home Economics or cookery but also for Science, CSPE and for Sustainable Development modules tying in with Sustainable Development Goal 12 'Responsible Consumption and Production' and SDG 13 'Climate Action'.

The pack we've developed has also been adopted by the Department of Education and is being introduced to the new Home Economics curriculum later this year.

If you're interested in brining food waste solutions to your school, simply request a copy of the VOICE Food Waste Educational Pack from