In Ireland it is estimated that we use over 22,000 single use cups per hour, these cups are virtually impossible to recycle due to the combination of plastic and paper in their design.  

Apart from logistical problems with recyclable or compostable takeaway cups, both of these options use up valuable resources for what is essentially a single-use item. Both require raw materials and energy to make, transport and dispose of them, these resources can never be recouped.

What we do

  1. We work with Cafes, Communities, Consumers and organisations to encourage Reusable cups and containers over single use.
  1. We map and promote Cafes across Ireland that accept and often reward conscious consumers who bring their own.  
  1. We bring about behaviour change so that Reuse becomes the norm.
  1. We encourage Cafes to sign up to our Newsletter to stay up to date with information about the Circular Economy.

If you are a

  • Café
  • Citizen
  • Community
  • Organisation
  • Or an individual…..

who would like to be part of the reuse revolution then you can find more information and resources on or by contacting the coordinator, Sorcha Kavanagh on

Cafes in Ireland accepting reusable cups and containers  

We are here to help so please get in contact if we can support you in moving towards reuse.

The campaign is funded by the Regional Waste Management Offices, the Department of Environment, Climate & Communications and is supported by VOICE.

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