Building on the success of the USE Pilot in 2019/2020...
VOICE supported by REPAK are looking for 6 Multi Unit Development sites to work with in 2021 and 2022
We want to continue examining waste reduction in apartments. Organic waste is a significant source of contamination of recyclable material and is often overlooked in MUD waste services, so we have adapted the programme to examine this waste stream.

This is a pilot programme and is open to Multi Unit Developments (that is any site with a shared bin area- most commonly apartment complexes, but housing estates with a shared bin service are also common in Ireland).
Our pilot programme will provide your community with
· Engagement workshops on waste segregation and recycling (to be delivered online or in line with social distancing guidelines).
· Common area and Bin area signage
· Communications plan and materials for management agents.
We will provide residents with
· recycling bags
· organic waste caddys
We will be selecting 6 communities to work with from September 2021 to January 2022. Please fill out the form below and we will be selecting the communities taking part in the last week of August.
Upgrading Shared bin Experience – improving recycling rates in apartments and MUDs.
This REPAK funded project looked at the often overlooked area of apartment waste segregation and ran the first national pilot on improving waste segregation. The number of people living in apartments is growing, and the number of apartments being built is outpacing housing – so what are we doing with our waste from shared bins?
- Even in shared bins, recycling should be Clean Dry and Loose.
- Recycling starts in the kitchen, how do you store and transport your recycling?
- Do you know which bins are which in the common waste area?
Across 7 sites around Ireland, we worked with apartment residents to deliver a better waste segregation experience by identifying and trialing methods to overcome the barriers to better recycling, engaging residents with one another, and making sure that recycling was a visible and positive behaviour.

VOICE would like to thank all our partners in this project from REPAK, the waste service providers, management agents, but most of all the residents across the country who took part.
We are continuing our work with apartments through USE2examining the service provision and ways to ensure all apartments can avail of an effective 3 bin service.
If you would like more information on this project please contact